OK, I am a guy, so I cannot really say I have tried these, but they certainly look great.
Here is the vaping starter kit, (the top end one with all the accessories). At the VaporCouter website, which is a female niche brand from V2, there are a range of starter kits that have accessories from the top end of the range the Maximale Kit above through to the cheaper priced Essentiel below
Also, if you don’t want to get all the accessories as you’d just like to try out the e cigarette to see if you like it first then get the basic kit, the Entree kit for $39 (US dollars which is about $43 Aussie dollars) pictured here:
You can have a look at all of these starter kits at their website at http://www.vaporcouture.com
If you want to check out the video covering the range (I cannot put it on my website here so it will open in a new window) click the video image right:
If you are not really so concerned about having a feminine look to your e cigarette you can always have a look at my other reviews of regular electronic cigarettes here
1. V2 Cigs – My V2 Review
2. South Beach Smoke – My South Beach Review
3. Green Smoke – My Green Smoke Review
4. Bull Smoke – My Bull Smoke Review
5. Halo – My Halo Review
Or for The Standout:

The top pick from the rest. Why, because of the quality of the vape, which gives you a thick rich inhale, and this is what we want as a smoker. Plus, the flavor is really close to ‘the real thing” ie a tabacco cigarette.
You can get them here at http://vaporzone.com
And to find out how to get them delivered to Australia please check out my page at “e cigarettes delivered to Australia”