A Quick Start Guide To Help Compare Different Types Of Smokless E Cigs & Compare e Cigarette Brands

Starters guide to smokeless cigarettes – in Australia

By Kacey Jones

Firstly, I imagine you may be asking:

“Can you get electronic cigarettes in Australia?”

I will give you a quick update to clear up the confusion many people have about this. (Pls scroll down if you already know the regulations and just want to see my brands comparisons etc..)

People keep asking me when they see me smoking (vaping) my e-cigarettes Do those contain nicotine? I thought you can’t get them here in Australia?”.

Well, my answer is “Sure they contain nicotine..”. That’s what you want right if you are a smoker and want to try electronic cigarettes? Why else would I be using it…?

There is some confusion about the rules, so here is a summary for you taken from the www.tga.gov.au Government website to get clear that you CAN get e-cigs with nicotine here in Australia – delivered.

If you are an Australian resident or citizen:

– You can get e cigarettes in Australia if you order them online from an international supplier (ie the USA – that’s where the quality is).

– You can get them if they are NOT for resale, but just for yourself.

– You can get them as long as you get “less than 3 months supply”. How much is three months supply?

– Just don’t get more than $1000 worth then there is no import customs duty to pay. 🙂

The rules say you cannot import them for RESALE in Australia. That’s why you can’t buy them with nicotine in them INSIDE Australia from an Australian supplier. They need a special license – but they cannot get one.

Buy Online From Overseas – And get Free Shipping

So you can if you wish, buy OUTSIDE Australia and have them delivered, not for resale to anyone else, less than three months supply, and if you want to save on customs duties, get less than a $1,000 worth. Buy enough and you can even get free shipping…:) I give a fuller explanation here on how to legally get e cigarettes delivered to you in Australia.

OK. If you need to know more about that follow the link above, if you are ready to find out the how, what and where of e cigarettes, look below…

Now, the interesting stuff: my overview of what e cigarettes are, what I think are the best, and a review and comparison of the most popular brands.

I realise, at the outset, getting started with e cigarettes may be a little bit confusing, so I made this website as a quick start comparison guide to clear up some basic points about smokeless electronic cigarettes in Australia, and around the world.

Firstly, if you don’t need all the background info, & you know that you want to buy some, and just want to know what is the best out there, then in my opinion here is the standout:

VaporFi – the one I am currently using and which I consider the best electronic cigarette Australia. (You can read my review of Vaporfi here)

This is top pick from the rest of the brands out there in my opinion (and I review them all here at my site). Why, because of the quality of the vape, which gives you a thick rich inhale, and this is what we want as an (ex?) smoker. Plus, the flavor is really close to ‘the real thing” i.e. a tobacco cigarette. But it doesn’t LOOK like a cigarette.

If you are ready to jump in you can get them here at http://vaporfi.com

If you want to understand more about the different types of ecigs and review the brands – read on. So here is the run down of what you need when you want to start.

UPDATE!! 2019 Vaper Empire – Australia’s Ecig – see more here 

The Overview : Different Types of e Cigarettes & Comparison of Brands

What are the basics you need to know for getting started?

The Prefilled Cartridge Type

Me with my first e cigs from Green Smoke

You will require a battery (below left) which looks like the stem of a cigarette and the cartridge refills with pre-filled e-liquid flavour in them (below right) which look like the filter.

These two parts screw together to look like a normal cigarette, with the battery looking like the stem of a cigarette and the cartridge with the e-liquid looking like the filter. Note that the cartridge can be disposable or refillable – up to you.

What are the Basic Requirements?

You will require a battery and the cartridge refills (with flavour) and these when added together look like a real cigarette, and you also need a charger to recharge your battery and this starter kit is available at http://v2cigs.com

Of course there are more options and add ons for e cigs, but like most people when starting out you will want the closest resemblance to a real cigarette, and I’ve found that e cigs with cartridges like the ones above (also known as cartomizers) are the nearest to the real cigarette experince you can get.

V2 have now started a range also that might suit women smokers more as they have added a touch of elegance to the starter kit…

Here is the website VaporCouture which has a very beautiful range that may suit women smokers who are looking for elegance in their ecigarette. Here (above) is what they look like, or visit their website at : http://www.vaporcouture.com/

You can try out the kits like the ones above in to see if you enjoy it at http://v2cigs.com , and after that you may think about looking at the more advanced options like refilling your own cartridges with the liquid, or also e cigarette mods and more.

The Most Affordable Way To Get Started:

First, look for a starter kit, and I recommend you get at least 2 batteries so you are never without a charged battery. Also, if you enjoy you vape but the battery dies, then you are stuck til you can replace it!

So, How Does An E Cigarette Actually Work?

With a basic model, inside the cartridge there is a heating filament which heats up the nicotine vapor inside the cartridge. You activate this just by inhaling (with some models that have automatic batteries), or with models that have manual batteries, when inhaling you need to hold down a button. That’s it. As you inhale you have the vapour enter your mouth and throat, simulating the real experience os a cigarette.

Which Brands or Flavours Are Nearest To The Actual Tobacco Cigarette Experience On The Market?

Just like with the regulor tobacco products, everybody has their own particular favourite taste. So you will probably want to try out more than one brand to see which you like best.

Here Are My Top Selections For The Closest Experience To The Real Tobacco Experience:

Some nice tobacco flavors are – Vaporzone, Halo Tribeca, South Beach Smoke, Green Smoke and Bull Smoke Tobacco flavors

Vaporzone have a great natural tabacco flavor and you can try them here at http://vaporfi.com

The Marlboro Red Taste– V2 Cigs Red 18 – Available at: http://v2cigs.com

Soft Cool Menthol Taste – South Beach Smoke Menthol, Green Smoke Menthol

Each Of The Listed Brands And Flavours Is Available Directly From The Company Websites To Order Online:







As a bonus! If you buy your e cigs from any one of the companies listed above coming soon I will have some coupon codes here that will save you real money when you make your online purchase. So when you find the one you want come back and check them out.

So I hope that I have clarified some of the most basic questions you may have about electronic cigarettes. Now more in depth review etc..

Your In Depth Introduction To E Cigarettes

Welcome to our review part of the website.

I’ll be going over the different types of e cigarettes that I’ve tried, and giving my reviews. I have created this site because I love e cigs, and have decided to share my experience and different findings with electronic cigarette brands to help you work out which will one could be the best for you.

I’m Kacey (the guy in the picture), and I smoked for many years, then I gave up for 17 years, and about three years started again. Now that sounds nuts right? Well it certainly feels a little crazy.

Anyway, I guess that couuld be considered nuts but I am very addictive with almost everything I do. And maybe you will be able relate to that.

And as a smoker, I am the kind of person who likes a strong rich cigarette taste, and that’s just the way I like it.

Which brings us to electronic cigarettes

I found out that a of the few people around me had started using e cigarettes, and enjoyed them. They are cigarettes smokers just like I am, and enjoy it. Most of the people I knew who had used them had turned to using the same e cigs every time, just like with thier cigarette brands, they had tried other brands of e cigs in the past, and had found a brand that they said gave them a good experience.

This was the main thing that stirred my curiosity: that these people I knew. who loved smoking, as I did, really appreciate these e cigs.

Update : Here is some info about how to get e-cigarettes delivered to Australia including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth (that is ecigarettes with nicotine)

What Really Made Me Take The Plunge?

Yes, that’s it, what you see in the picture here..

You see, I realise that everyone has their habits and why judge, and for me one of them was…I’m addicted to my cigarettes, and wasn’t really looking to quit, or reduce or anything, I just enjoyed the smoking habit.

Then someone brought it up to me, when I was going over my budget, and said: ‘hey do you know that these eCigs just cost me cents every day rather than dollars!!.’

So I asked her what she meant, and she said: ‘less than 50 cents, maybe less than 25 cents even’.

Well at that point I realised, whether it is 25 cents a day, or closer to 50 cents per day, here I am paying $16 a day for a pack of my favorite brand of ciggies.

Then I saw that even if I liked them only a little bit compared to cigarettes, then I would be able to reduce the number that I smoked and save some real cash if I enjoyed them enough to get that fix. So I decided to try them out at least. I chose the Green Smoke Tobacco flavour, my mate’s e cig of choice, and the favourite ecig for many smokers and I got the regular tobacco flavor because I didn’t want the dessert flavors, or some of the other flavours you can get, as I liked my rich tobacco flavour hit.

Wow, I liked them, I was amazed. And I immediately cut back on the amount of real cigarettes I was smoking, and I just switched back and forth between the e cigs and my cigarette brand, and she really was right, it was so much cheper, especially when you move on and refill your own with e liquid. (In fact you can refill most brands, so it’s very easy to save money – there is a video on how you can refill them here on the V2 page).

So Is The Cost Of Smoking Your Primary Motivation To Try?

I suggest heading over to http://bullsmoke.com and try the starter kit for only $29.95 (it could cost you over $50 to get an equivalent kit just elsewhere). So why not head over to http://halocigs.com or http://v2cigs.com and try some refill liquid so you can refill your own e cigs. (Watch the video how to refill e cig cartridges here).

It is pretty cheap so you might want to give both a try to see which you like the most, and even try a couple of different tobacco blends (for the tobacco flavours I suggest the Halo Tribeca or V2 Red). Two bottles will cost you less than a carton of normal cigarettes, and so the cost per day is less than $1, maybe quite a bit less depending on how much you vape.

V2 Red E LiquidUpdate for January 2018: My friend has now been converted to using V2 E Liquid, after buying her own favourite brand for more than a year, she now loves the V2 E Juice.

So, there you go, that’s an intro to e cigarettes. I’ll be discussing more specifics on this site in the future, about brands and more. So I’ll be experimenting with some different brands and coming back with reviews.

Have a look at my reviews of the best electronic cigarette brands for 2014 here!

I made a page for my V2 Cigs, Green Smoke and South Beach Smoke product reviews, for people who want the best quality (all three of these are basically the top range of electronic cigarettes).

The clickable link above has a more exhaustive list of the different typs of electronic cigarettes I am reviewing, and which I’m constantly updating.

Next, to help you make your search easier, there are a couple topics that you might be interested in:

Anyway, I hope the site will help you discover what you want. And please leave a comment with any useful feedback you have, or any e cig tips, recommendations for any e cig brands you would like me to review, or even a cool quote to add to my daily quote page. In fact anything you want to see me cover at the site, and I will consider it.

Thanks for checking out my site!


Updated for full 2023 information for the best electronic cigarette in Australia – fast delivery to Australia

Disposable Vapes vs. Pod Systems: What’s the Better Way to Vape?

When you visit a vape shop near you and look for your first vaping device, you’re going to see an enormous variety of products, but two types of vapes – disposable vapes and pod systems – are likely to stick out above the rest. They’re the most plentiful devices at most vape shops, and they’re also usually the types of devices that vape shop attendants are quickest to point out to new customers.

If you read online about the different types of vapes, you’re going to see that disposable vapes used to receive a lot of flak from the members of the vaping community. Experts usually suggested that beginners avoid buying disposable vapes because they offered fewer flavors than refillable devices and often cost more to own in the long run. Those things, however, aren’t as true today as they were in the past. Disposable vapes aren’t nearly as expensive as they used to be, and they’re also available in virtually all of the same flavors that you’d buy in bottled form.

So, does the conventional wisdom of the past – that you’ll always have the best possible experience with a refillable vaping device – still apply today, or are disposable devices actually the better way to vape? In this article, we’ll help you decide by explaining the primary strengths of disposable vapes and pod systems.

Disposable Vapes Are Less Expensive in Some Cases

When the first disposable vapes were introduced several years ago, they were just slightly less expensive than entry-level refillable devices and only lasted about a day at the most. They were really only useful as introductions to vaping because they were far too expensive for everyday use.

Today, though, disposable vapes offer substantially more e-liquid capacity than the devices of the past. While a first-generation disposable e-cigarette contained less than 1 ml of e-liquid, today’s disposable devices often have 15 ml of vape juice or more. Many models even have rechargeable batteries to ensure that you can use every drop of e-liquid before discarding the device.

Whether disposable vapes or pod systems will be more affordable for you will largely depend on your usage patterns. If you’re the type of person who vapes constantly throughout the day, you’ll probably find that it’s more affordable to own a refillable pod system. If you puff on your device only a few times before putting it down for a while, on the other hand, you’ll probably spend less with disposable vapes. Today’s high-capacity rechargeable disposable vapes provide as much nicotine as up to two cartons of cigarettes without the need to replace an expensive pod or atomizer coil every few days.

Pod Systems Have a Lower Environmental Impact

You’ve probably read that electronic waste is a serious issue around the world and that batteries are a major part of the problem. Batteries contain heavy metals that eventually leach into the soil and contaminate groundwater. That’s why you most likely have a few electronics and office supply stores in your area with collection boxes for used batteries. Unfortunately, though, those stores don’t accept disposable vapes. If you have an e-waste recycling center in your area, that facility probably doesn’t accept disposable vapes either.

Although disposable e-cigarettes are recyclable in theory, the fact is that almost no one takes them, and most devices are almost certainly going to end up in landfills. When you think about the many thousands of people around the world who are discarding disposable vapes every day, that’s a pretty massive amount of waste. Refillable vaping devices generally end up in landfills too, but at least they’re used for several months before that happens. If you want to vape in the way that’s best for the environment, you’ll definitely want to use a pod system or another refillable device.

Disposable Vapes Make Vaping as Easy as Smoking

The biggest selling point of disposable vapes is their simplicity. They’re the only vaping devices that are as simple and easy to use as tobacco cigarettes – easier, in fact, because there’s no need to carry a lighter. With a disposable vape, you can carry one small device in your pocket all day and take it out only when you need to puff on it. Although rechargeable disposable vapes do exist as we mentioned above, the majority of disposables require no maintenance at all; you just use them until their batteries die.

Some smokers are resistant about trying vaping – or have already tried vaping and weren’t able to switch successfully – because of the maintenance aspect of owning a refillable device. In addition to keeping the device charged and filled, you also have to replace the atomizer coil or pod every few days. Some devices have multiple pod or coil options, and you need to choose the one that provides the type of experience you want. You also have to choose the right e-liquid for your needs. Sweetened e-liquids taste great, but they also lead to reduced coil life and make maintaining your device even more challenging.

Smoking doesn’t involve maintaining a device or making all kinds of different product choices; you just choose your brand and go. If you want your vaping experience to be like that, you’ll definitely want to buy a disposable vape.

Pod Systems Make It Easier to Lower Your Nicotine Intake

For some people, the customization aspect of owning a refillable vaping device is an unnecessary annoyance. Others, though, love the fact that they can change every aspect of their vaping experience to suit their requirements perfectly. If you fall into that category, you’ll love the fact that using a refillable device gives you precise control over your nicotine intake. With disposable vapes, you typically only have two nicotine strengths to choose from at the most; some disposables are only available in one strength.

When you use a refillable device, on the other hand, you’ll buy bottled e-liquid. That gives you access to a much wider variety of nicotine strengths. You can even mix e-liquids with different nicotine levels to create your own custom strengths. Many people use vaping not just as a tool for quitting smoking, but also as a step toward eventually quitting nicotine entirely. When you use a refillable device, you can reduce your nicotine intake gradually, making the process as easy as it can be.